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Species > Yushania


Yushania  -   High altitude bamboos, producing culms in scattered groups. Invasive rhizomes.

- anceps Culms medium, straight, and deep glossy green, arching at the apex with the weight of foliage. Leaves small and thin, carried in elegant plumes. This fine bamboo is an excellent choice for heavy shade, but can be cut down in very cold winters. 3-5m high.
- - ‘Pitt White’ Culms medium. Leaves small. A vigorous, taller-growing form. The older culms cascade under the weight of foliage. Not for small gardens. >5m.
- maculata Culms medium, dark green, and very thick walled. The new shoots are marbled brown. Leaves small to medium, rather narrow, darkish deep green, glossy and tough. This handsome bamboo is very hardy and resistant to wind exposure. 3-5m high.
- maling Culms medium to thick, greyish- green, becoming brownish-green and rough to touch. Leaves small, thin textured. Very beautiful, although inclined to be rampant in lush growing conditions. 3-5m high.

Yushania maculata