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Species > Pseudosasa & Qiongzhuea


Pseudosasa - Moderately invasive rhizomes (except - owatarii which is invasive)

- amabilis "Tonkin Cane. Culms medium, very strong and erect growing. Leaves medium to large. Most of the garden canes imported from the Orient are produced from this species. 3-5m high.
- japonica Culms medium, upright, thick-walled and strong. Leaves medium to large. This bamboo is most architectural and exotic looking. Very tough and hardy. 3-5m high.
- - ‘Akebona’ Culms medium. Leaves medium to large, yellowish-white at the tip, changing to yellowish-green at the base. Best planted in shade. 3-5m high.
- - ‘Akebanosuji’ Culms medium. Leaves medium to large, the majority being striped creamy-white, a few plain green, and a few as in Ps. j. ‘Akebono’. 3-5m high.
- - tsutsumiana Culms medium, the basal internodes on larger diameter culms swollen. Leaves medium to large. The rhizome internodes are also swollen, though seldom seen! 1.5-3m high.
- owatarii Culms very slender, usually less than 10cm high. Leaves small and very glossy. Ideal for bonsai. Up to 1.5m high.
- pleioblastoides Culms medium, very strong and straight. Leaves medium to large, slightly narrow and dark green. A handsome, exposure tolerant bamboo. 3-5m high.


Qiongzhuea - 

- tumidinoda

Culms slender, the nodes large and disk-like. Leaves small and glossy, carried in elegant plumes. This bamboo has a beautiful, fountain-like habit but is incredibly invasive. Used in China for making walking sticks. Up to 1.5m high.