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Species > Arundinaria & Bambusa


Arundinaria  -   this genus has been reduced to the two North American species now that most of the species it once contained have been moved into other genera. Their rhizomes are moderately invasive although easily controlled.

- gigantea

‘Cane Reed". Culms medium, greenish yellow. Leaves medium, rather pale green. Forms very dense thickets. 1.5-3m high.

- tecta Culms slender, yellowish-green. Leaves small to medium, pale green. Closely related to A. gigantea. Up to 1.5m high.


Bambusa  -  tropical bamboos. They are not frost hardy but makes excellent conservatory plants. These are clump forming plants with non-invasive rhizomes.

- multiplex ‘Alphonse Karr’ Culms medium, yellow with green stripes, sometimes pink at first. Leaves small to medium. A superb container plant. 1.5-3m high.
- - ‘Fernleaf’ Culms slender. Leaves small, held in fern-like arrangements. A fine indoor bamboo. Up to 1.5m high.
- ventricosa "Buddha’s Belly". Culms medium to thick, dark green, having swollen internodes when given restricted growing conditions. Leaves medium, dark green. 3-5m high.