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Species > Shibataea & Sinobambusa


Shibataea Low growing, leafy bamboos, having very zig-zag culms. The oldest stems tend to retain last-year’s leaves well into the summer, and so are best removed in spring. Moderately invasive rhizomes. Up to 1.5m high.

- kumasasa Culms very slender, tending to be triangular in cross-section. Leaves small but rather broad for their length. Not very invasive. Forms dense mounds of foliage.
- - ‘Aureostriata’ Culms very slender. Leaves small but rather broad, often striped with yellow, sometimes entirely yellow. The variegations are very unreliable, with many reversions. For collectors only, not very garden-worthy.
- lanceifolia Culms very slender. Leaves medium, carried on long stalks and tapering to a fine point. A distinctive and unusual bamboo for foliage effect.


Sinobambusa   -   Sub-tropical bamboos of upright habit, surviving outside in mild localities. Moderately invasive rhizomes.

- tootsik Culms thick, the nodes having a prominent ring of brown hairs. Leaves medium. The outer surface of the culms is easily abraded, so older culms should be removed periodically, when they begin to look unsightly. 3-5m.
- - ‘Variegata’ Culms thick. Leaves medium, having very conspicuous white striping, the colour being retained well in winter. 3-5m high.