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Species > x-Hibanobambusa & Indocalamus


x-Hibanobambusa  A hybrid bamboo, possibly between Phyllostachys and Sasa.

- tranquillans Culms slender to medium. Leaves large, remaining in good condition all through winter. Useful for an exotic foliage effect. Moderately invasive rhizomes. 1.5-3m high.
- - ‘Shiroshinia’ Culms slender to medium. Leaves large, conspicuously striped with creamy-white and often pink tinted when young. The most impressive variegated bamboo. Very vigorous with invasive rhizomes! 1.5-3m high.


Indocalamus   -   Large leaved bamboos, giving an architectural effect. Somewhat less invasive than Sasa.

- hamadae Culms slender, fairly erect. Leaves very large, both long and broad. This species probably produces the largest leaves of any bamboo in cultivation.1.5-3m high.
- latifolius Culms slender and erect. Leaves very large, broad for their length, nearly as large as the previous species. 1.5-3m high.
- longiauritus Culms slender. Leaves large to very large, narrowly pointed. Up to 1.5m.
- solidus Culms very slender, sometimes solid at the base. Leaves large. Up to 1.5m high.
- tessellatus Culms slender, borne down by the weight of the foliage, to give a mound-like habit. Leaves very large but comparatively long and narrow. Up to 1.5m high..