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Species > Pleioblastus


Pleioblastus  -  A genus of bamboos diverse in size and habit. Many species can form extensive patches or thickets and should only be planted where space is adequate - their rhizomes are invasive or moderately invasive.

- akebono

Culms very slender. Leaves small, white at the tips, changing to almost green at the base. Avoid planting in direct sunlight. Up to 1.5m high.


- auricomus

(formerly Pl. viridistriatus)

Culms very slender, purple-green. Leaves medium, brilliant golden-yellow, striped green. The finest of the yellow variegated bamboos, needing sun for good leaf colour. Up to 1.5m high. A personal favourite, even though it has penetrated the roots of a large Phyllostachys and it is now impossible to separate the two!

- - chrysophylla

Culms very slender, purple-green. Leaves medium, soft golden-yellow, without any green striping. Best planted in partial shade, because scorching may occur in full sun. Up to 1.5m high.

- - ‘Bracken Hill’

Culms very slender, purple-green. Leaves medium to large, brilliant golden-yellow, striped green. This is a taller-growing form of Pl. auricomus, also best in sun. 1.5-3m high.

- chino

Culms slender to medium. Leaves medium. Inclined to be scruffy in winter! 1.5-3m high.

- - aureostriata

Culms slender. Leaves medium, variably striped creamy-white. A good variegated bamboo, even in shade, but having a lax habit. 1.5-3m high.

- - ‘Elegantissima’

Culms slender. Leaves small, but comparatively long and narrow, and having many thin white stripes. 1.5-3m high.

- - murakamianus

Culms very slender. Leaves small to medium, conspicuously striped with white. Up to 1.5m high.

- distichus

Culms very slender. Leaves small and held in fern-like arrangements. Up to 1.5m high.

- gramineus

Culms medium, yellowish-green. Leaves medium, but very long and narrow, almost grass-like. Older culms arch heavily. Very similar to Pl. linearis. 3-5m high.

- hindsii

Culms medium. Leaves medium, of a pleasing rich green colour. Arching habit. 3-5m high.

- kongosanensis aureostriata

Culms very slender. Leaves medium to large, occasionally having broad yellow stripes. An obscure bamboo of little merit. Up to 1.5m high.

- linearis

Culms medium, yellowish-green. Leaves medium, but very long and narrow, almost grass-like. Older culms arch heavily. Similar to Pl. gramineus. 3-5m high.

- oleosus

Culms medium, covered in fine hairs when young. Leaves small to medium, glossy and pleasing, though inclined to look slightly scruffy in winter. 3-5m high.

- pumilus

Culms very slender, green at first, becoming flushed purple. Leaves medium, dark green. The foliage tends to stay fresh all winter. Up to 1.5m high.

- pygmaeus

Culms very slender and usually less than 15cm high. Leaves small, held in neat ranks. The compact habit may be lost if grown in shade. Up to 1.5m high.

- shibuyanus ‘Tsuboi’

Culms slender. Leaves small, very pleasingly striped glowing creamy-white in broad bands with softly defined edges. The most choice of the variegated bamboos, and superb in mass-effect. Up to 1.5m high. This plant is growing in a pot until autumn when it will be transferred to an area under preparation.

- simonii

Culms medium, strong and erect, olive-green. Leaves medium, carried in steeple-like plumes, on the numerous branches. A very useful bamboo but not the most elegant, and inclined to look scruffy in winter. >5m h.

- variegatus

Culms very slender. Leaves small to medium, brightly striped creamy- white, retaining the colour through winter. Up to 1.5m high.

- viridistriatus  . . .see P1. auricomus