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Species > Chusquea


Chusquea  -  South American bamboos, with solid stems and numerous, densely tufted short branches. Good drainage is essential. Invasive rhizomes and mostly 3-5m high (- breviglumis is only moderately invasive and over 5m high)

- breviglumis

Culms thick, yellowish-green. Has a primary branch much longer than all the others at each node. Leaves small, mid-green. Impressive.

- couleou

Culms thick, yellowish-green. Leaves small, mid-green, carried on numerous short branches, giving a bottle-brush effect. Very distinctive. 

- quila

Culms medium to thick, yellowish- green, often produced in a long curve, giving a bowl-shaped clump habit. Leaves small, carried more sparsely.

- valdiviensis (formerly ramosissima)

Culms thick, pale green, arching over to ground level vigorously. Has a primary branch, much longer than all the others, at each node. Leaves medium.