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Taming the Dragon      Morphology    Cultivation    Choice of Species    Siting    Compost    Repotting     Repotting Procedure    Maintenance & presentation     Bamboos Recommended for Containers

Container Cultivation > "Taming the dragon"

Paul Whittaker shares his experiences of cultivating bamboos in containers with Jon Ardle of the RHS magazine "The Garden"

Bamboos are one of the most evocative of garden plants; nothing conjures up the image of the orient as powerfully as the sight and sound of their graceful evergreen leaves and stems swaying in the breeze. They do, however, have an undeserved reputation for being something of a horticultural thug: perceived wisdom suggests introducing bamboo into a garden will soon result in the plant taking over, destroying everything in its path, before flowering and promptly dropping dead. This is unnecessarily alarmist. While there are tropical species capable of astonishing rates of growth with invasive runners, there are many smaller and slower growing species, which make excellent features for temperate gardens.

Many have beautifully marked culms (stems)  and some have variegated leaves. Some of these are still capable of out growing their allotted space however, and it used to be thought growing containers was difficult, if not impossible. Nursery owner Paul Whittaker, of P W Plants, Norfolk, has shown this to be untrue: he grows even very large specimens up to 5m (16ft) tall in pots and maintains many species can be grown in this way provided that their specific cultural requirements are met.

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